21 December 2022
Online meeting
Europe/Kiev timezone

Evidence for the galactic neutrino emission

21 Dec 2022, 12:30
Online meeting

Online meeting

Oral talk Astrophysics and Cosmology Morning session


Dr Denys Savchenko (APC Paris; BITP & KAU)


The high-energy gamma-ray observations presume that the galactic emission is dominated by pion decay flux from cosmic ray interactions in the interstellar medium, with moderate contribution from isolated sources. In some isolated sources, gamma-rays may also be produced by the hadronic process, which implies the neutrino emission. However, no multi-messenger neutrino+gamma signal from the galactic sources were observed so far.
We present the first evidence for the isolated galactic source neutrino emission in the IceCube 10 year public data, as well as the new results for the galactic diffuse emission using the full archival dataset of the Antares neutrino observatory.

Primary author

Dr Denys Savchenko (APC Paris; BITP & KAU)


Dr Andrii Neronov (APC Paris & EPFL) Dr Dmitry Semikoz (APC Paris) Antares Collaboration

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