Khristine Haydukivska
(Institute for Condensed Matter Physics NAS Ukraine)
In the present work we calculated size characteristics of periodic hyperbranched polymers in dilute solution in the vicinity of the $\theta$ point using the continuous chain model. This model in its Gaussian approximation allows to receive exact solutions. Both the gyration radius and the hydrodynamic radius were calculated for the bottle-brush polymer and a tree-like one. We considered the size ratios $\rho=\frac{\sqrt{\langle R_g^2\rangle}}{\langle R_h\rangle}$ and $g = \frac{\langle R_{g}^2\rangle}{\langle R_{g,chain}^2\rangle}$, that allows to describe the characteristic sizes of this topologies. This types of ratios allow to shed some light on visco-elastic properties of polymer solutions.
Primary author
Khristine Haydukivska
(Institute for Condensed Matter Physics NAS Ukraine)
Viktoria Blavatsks
(Institute for Condensed Matter Physics NAS Ukraine)