12-18 May 2019
"Arkadia" hotel
Europe/Kiev timezone

Precise Timing Measurement for the CMS Upgrade and Beyond

Not scheduled
"Arkadia" hotel

"Arkadia" hotel

24 Genuezkaya St., Odessa 65009, Ukraine
Default LHC


Valentina Sola (Torino University and INFN)


In this contribution, I review growing interest in large area fast timing detectors based on Low-Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGAD) with a timing resolution of 30-50ps. Combining precise timing of minimum ionizing particles (MIPs) with tracking significantly benefits performance of the detector by improving resolution and background rejection. Large-scale high-precision timing detectors have to face formidable challenges in almost every aspect: performance of sensors, segmentation and radiation tolerance, very low-power and low-noise electronics, cooling, low material budget, and large data volumes. I will report on the current status and new development of such detectors for high energy physics. In particular, I will discuss the proposal of the CMS Collaboration to instrument the CMS detector with a timing layer to measure MIPs during the High-Luminosity LHC data taking period. The high pseudorapidity region (1.6 < |$\eta$| < 3.0) of the CMS detector will be instrumented with a hermetic layer of LGAD. This installation will represent the first large scale application of the LGAD in a high energy physics experiment.

Primary author

Valentina Sola (Torino University and INFN)

Presentation Materials